Found 999+ experts

Leonard Soffer

Booth School of Business

Clinical Professor of Accounting at Booth School of Business

Zaneta Hong

Cornell CALS

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at Cornell CALS

Jihai Yu

Guanghua School of Management

Professor Business Statistics and Econometrics at Guanghua School of Management

Tuuli Mattelmäki

Aalto University School of Business

Associate Professor, Design, product service systems at Aalto University School of Business

Tapani Vuorinen

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Wood Chemistry at Aalto University School of Business

Michael Gillis

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

V.P. & Director at TD Greystone Managed Investments at International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Peter Wojcik

Quinlan School of Business

Director of the Department of Parish Vitality and Mission at Archdiocese of Chicago at Quinlan School of Business

Reza Fakhari


Vice President for Internationalization at St. Francis College at -

Mahesh Karra

Boston University

Assistant Professor of Global Development Policy at Boston University

Kari Tanskanen

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Industrial Engineering and Management, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management at Aalto University School of Business