Found 999+ experts

Catherine Lam

CityU College of Business

Associate Professor at CityU College of Business

Rebecca Stewart

Imperial College London

Lecturer at Imperial College London

Birgit Helene Jevnaker

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School

Robert Revat

EMLYON Business School


Albert Chan


Associate Professor at The University of Hong Kong at -

Patrick Siu Chung Leung

Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Practice at The University of Hong Kong

Michael Glogauer

Schulich Executive Learning Centre

Head of Dental Oncology at Princess Margaret Cancer at Schulich Executive Learning Centre

Kurt Miceli

Villanova University

Adjunct Professor for Health Care Economics at Villanova University

Michael Kerr

King's College London

Professor at King's College London

Richard Wilson

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Former Head of the Home Civil Service at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education