Found 999+ experts

Brendan Dooley

American University School of Public Affairs

Professorial Lecturer at American University School of Public Affairs

Peter Kissick

Smith School of Business

Adjunct Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Business Law at Smith School of Business

Parker Ellen

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Assistant Professor, Management and Organizational Development at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Emma Mullen


Senior Extension Associate at eCornell

Zivia Wilson Sweeney

USC Marshall School of Business

Associate Professor Clinical Accounting at USC Marshall School of Business

Nicholas Argyres

Olin Business School

Vernon W. and Marion K. Piper Professor of Strategy at Olin Business School

Martin Conyon

Bentley University

Professor of Economics at Bentley University

Elizabeth Currid-Halkett

Price School of Public Policy

Professor. James Irvine Chair in Urban and Regional Planning at Price School of Public Policy

Christopher Collins

School of Hotel Administration


ILR School

Associate Professor and Director, CAHRS at ILR School

Michael Kremer

Harvard Kennedy School

Harris School of Public Policy

Gates Professor of Developing Societies, Dept of Economics, FAS at Harvard Kennedy School

Professor at Harris School of Public Policy