Found 999+ experts

Anna Salomons

Utrecht University

Professor of Employment & Inequality at Utrecht University

Lorenz Kueng

Kellogg School of Management

Assistant Professor of Finance at Kellogg School of Management

Tianjian Zhang

CityU College of Business

Assistant Professor at CityU College of Business

Joel C Huber

Fuqua School of Business

Alan D. Schwartz Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Dean Karlan

Kellogg School of Management

Professor of Economics and Finance, Frederic Esser Nemmers Chair Co-Director, Global Poverty Research Lab at Kellogg School of Management

Spencer Burke

Olin Business School

Barbara Garrity-Blake

Nicholas School of the Environment

Cultural anthropologist at Nicholas School of the Environment

Daniel Kraft

Singularity University

Physician-Scientist. Chair for Medicine at Singularity Univ & Founder & Chair, Exponential Medicine at Singularity University

Dylan Minor

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Strategy at Anderson School of Management

Christmann Petra

Rutgers Business School

Professor and Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research at Rutgers Business School