Found 999+ experts

Lauren Rule Maxwell

Professor of English

Mark Leung

Rotman School of Management

Director of Rotman DesignWorks at Rotman School of Management

Jennifer Francis

Fuqua School of Business

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Douglas and Josie Breeden Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Joshua White

Owen Graduate School of Management

Assistant Professor of Finance Brownlee O. Currey Jr. Dean's Faculty Fellow at Owen Graduate School of Management

David Asch

The Wharton School

Professor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Professor of Health Care Management, Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at The Wharton School

Rose Layton

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Clinical Accounting at USC Marshall School of Business

Jane Mansbridge

Harvard Kennedy School

Adams Professor of Political Leadership and Democratic Values at Harvard Kennedy School

Enrique Arzac

Columbia Business School

Professor Emeritus at Columbia Business School

Roberto Cram

London Business School

Assistant Professor of Finance at London Business School

Eric Avila

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Professor of Chicana/o Studies, History and Urban Planning at Luskin School of Public Affairs