Found 999+ experts

Marc Kalan

Rutgers Business School

Associate Professor of Professional Practice at Rutgers Business School

Eve Geroulis

Quinlan School of Business

Director, MSM Program, Senior Lecturer at Quinlan School of Business

Lauri Rautkari

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor, Wood Material Science and Technology at Aalto University School of Business

Shantanu Dutta

USC Marshall School of Business

Dave and Jeanne Tappan Chair in Marketing, and Professor of Marketing at USC Marshall School of Business

Raymond Benton

Quinlan School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Quinlan School of Business

Stanley Reynolds

Eller Executive Education

Vice Dean of Faculty and Research, Eller Professor of Economics at Eller Executive Education

George Senick

Quinlan School of Business

Instructor of Marketing at Quinlan School of Business

Mingyi Hung

HKUST Business School

Chair Professor, Fung Term Professor of Accounting at HKUST Business School

Mascha Grundmann


Lecturer - Brand Academy at European Business Schoo at -

Lisa Kramer

Rotman School of Management

Professor of Finance, Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga Research Fellow, Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR) , University of Toronto at Rotman School of Management