Found 999+ experts

Elizabeth Berger

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Assistant Professor at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Michele Rigolizzo

Assistant Professor

Dongmei Li

Darla Moore School of Business

Associate Professor, at Darla Moore School of Business

George Newman

Yale School of Management

Associate Professor of Management and Marketing at Yale School of Management

Mark Stabile

INSEAD Business School

Professor of Economics. The Stone Chaired Professor in Wealth Inequality at INSEAD Business School

Ricard Gil

Smith School of Business

Associate Professor and Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Business Economics at Smith School of Business

Jan Rivkin

Harvard Business School

C. Roland Christensen Professor of Business Administration/Senior Associate Dean for Research at Harvard Business School

Paul Rosenbaum

The Wharton School

Robert G. Putzel Professor at The Wharton School

Glenn Hubbard

Columbia Business School

Dean at Columbia Business School

Gideon Nave

The Wharton School

Assistant Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School