Found 730 experts

Jeffrey Rayport

Harvard Business School

Senior Lecturer of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Neil Doherty

The Wharton School

Fredrick H. Ecker Professor Emeritus of Insurance and Risk Management at The Wharton School

Ralph Bryant

Brookings Institution

Senior Fellow - Economic Studies, Global Economy and Development at Brookings Institution

Rajshree Agarwal

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Reid Hastie

Booth School of Business

Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science at Booth School of Business

Michael Leiblein

Fisher College of Business

Associate Professor at Fisher College of Business

John Rolph

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor Emeritus of Data Sciences and Operations at USC Marshall School of Business

John Kammeyer-Mueller

Carlson School of Management

Professor at University of Minnesota at Carlson School of Management

Edward Malthouse

Northwestern University in Qatar

Erastus Otis Haven Professor and Research Director of Spiegel Research Center at Northwestern University in Qatar

Alec Levenson

Center for Effective Organizations

Senior Research Scientist at Center for Effective Organizations