Found 999+ experts

Peter De Bruyn

Professor of Business Informatics at Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Philip De Cleen

Coach & Trainer

Sanne de Schipper

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Graduate Assistant - MALM Program at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Antoine de Morrée

Assistant Professor of Biomedicine at Aarhus University

Carla De Ycaza

Fordham University

Adjunct Associate Professor of Global Affairs at New York University / Lecturer, Graduate School of Social Service at Fordham University

Simone de Colle

New York University Abu Dhabi

Visiting Associate Professor of Business, Organizations and Society at New York University Abu Dhabi

Michelle de Cordova

Smith School of Business

Principal at ESG Global Advisors Inc. at Smith School of Business

Julio De Castro

IE Business School

Professor of Entrepreneurship at IE Business School

Heloisa De Menezes

Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral

Gwarlann De Kerviler

Associate Professor, Head of Marketing and Sales Department at IESEG School of Management