Found 999+ experts

Simon Blanchard

McDonough School of Business

Associate Professor at McDonough School of Business

Rajiv Garg

Goizueta Business School

McCombs School of Business

Assistant Professor at McCombs School of Business

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management at Goizueta Business School

Asim Ansari

Columbia Business School

William T. Dillard Professor of Marketing at Columbia Business School

Adrian Ward

McCombs School of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at McCombs School of Business

Douglas Olsen

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Associate Professor at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Shoshi Chen

Coller School of Management

Lecturer of organizational behavior at Tel Aviv University at Coller School of Management

Betty Sue Flowers

The University of Adelaide

Emeritus Professor at the University of Texas at Austin at The University of Adelaide

Glen O'Hara

Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at Oxford Brookes University

Venkatesh Shankar

Mays Business School

Professor and Coleman Chair in Marketing & Director of Research, Center for Retailing Studies at Mays Business School

Kostas Bimpikis

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Associate Professor of Operations, Information & Technology at Stanford Graduate School of Business