Found 556 experts

Robert White

Ivey Business School

Professor Emeritus, Finance at Ivey Business School

Aravind Chandrasekaran

Fisher College of Business

Professor of Operations, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Executive Education at Fisher College of Business

Jens Ludwig

Brookings Institution

Harris School of Public Policy

Edwin A. and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service Professor at Harris School of Public Policy

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Economic Studies at Brookings Institution

Jarek Kurnitski

Aalto University School of Business

Adjunct Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Blake McShane

Kellogg School of Management

Associate Professor of Marketing at Kellogg School of Management

Cassandra Thiel

Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Assistant Professor, NYU Wagner; Assistant Professor, NYU Langone School of Medicine at Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Simon Lüchinger

Professor of Economics at University of Lucerne

Paul Adler

USC Marshall School of Business

Harold Quinton Chair in Business Policy and Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Paul Hirsch

Kellogg School of Management

James L. Allen Professor of Strategy & Organizations, Professor of Management & Organizations at Kellogg School of Management

Ilya Strebulaev

Stanford Graduate School of Business

The David S. Lobel Professor of Private Equity, Professor of Finance at Stanford Graduate School of Business