Found 999+ experts

Sylvain Bureau

ESCP Europe Business School

PhD in Business Administration, Associate Professor at ESCP Europe Business School

Othman Cole

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Senior Faculty, Management Practice (Finance) Deputy Director of the Executive MBA Programme Fellow of Hughes Hall at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Sam Abell

Sloan School of Management

Stephanie Woerner

Sloan School of Management

Research Scientist at Sloan School of Management

Zeynep Ton

Sloan School of Management

Professor of the Practice, Operations Management at Sloan School of Management

Eleanor Westney

Sloan School of Management

Philip Berger

Booth School of Business

Wallman Family Professor of Accounting at Booth School of Business

Ann McGill

Booth School of Business

Sears Roebuck Professor of General Management, Marketing and Behavioral Science at Booth School of Business

Chad Syverson

Booth School of Business

J. Baum Harris Professor of Economics at Booth School of Business

Sanjay Dhar

Booth School of Business

James H. Lorie Professor of Marketing at Booth School of Business