Found 643 experts

Elias Papaioannou

London Business School

Professor of Economics. PhD (London), MPA (Columbia), LLB Bachelor’s in Law at London Business School

Guadalupe Paz

Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs, Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Tyler Okimoto

UQ Business School

Professor at UQ Business School

Lucy Gongtao Chen

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor in the Department of Analytics & Operations at National University of Singapore

Martin Schweinsberg


Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, ESMT Berlin at ESMT

Daniel Howard

Cox School of Business

Professor of Marketing at Cox School of Business

James Levinsohn

Yale School of Management

Director of the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Charles W. Goodyear Professor in Global Affairs & Professor of Economics and Management at Yale School of Management

Susanne Bruyere


ILR School

School of Hotel Administration

Professor of Disability Studies at ILR School

Kate Cooney

Yale School of Management

Assistant Professor at Boston University School of Social Work / Lecturer in Social Enterprise and Management at Yale School of Management

John Ruggie

Harvard Kennedy School

Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School