Found 999+ experts

David Shimko

NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Industry Full Professor of Finance at NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Juan Fernandez


Professor of Management Associate Dean Director of MBA Programme, CEIBS at CEIBS

Christopher Bono

Harvard Medical School

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School

Wang Chunlin


Ammar Ahmed

Quinlan School of Business

Principal Architect at Cloud Technology Partners, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company at Quinlan School of Business

Stephanie Feiereisen

Bayes Business School

Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Cass Business School

Thomas Brand

Imperial College London

Professor, Chair in Developmental Dynamics at Imperial College London

Jamie Steven

UW Professional & Continuing Education

Chief Operating Officer, Ookla at UW Professional & Continuing Education

Joseph Ooi

National University of Singapore

Professor of Real Estate at National University of Singapore

Fusun Sevgen

The Wharton School

Lecturer of Communications at The Wharton School