Found 546 experts

Andrea Weber

Central European University

Professor at Central European University

George Georgiadis

Kellogg School of Management

Assistant Professor of Strategy at Kellogg School of Management

Halina Frydman

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Professor of Statistics and Operations Research at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Kristy Buzard

Syracuse University

Associate Professor, Economics at Syracuse University

Lise Justesen

CBS Executive

Associate professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Miguel Duro

IESE Business School

Associate Professor at IESE Business School

Samuel Hanson

Harvard Business School

Marvin Bower Associate Professor at Harvard Business School

Sergio Rebelo

Indian School of Business (ISB)

Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics

Kellogg School of Management

Fundação Dom Cabral

MUFG Bank Distinguished Professor of International Finance Professor of Finance at Kellogg School of Management

David Nussbaum

Booth School of Business

Adjunct Associate Professor of Behavioral Science at Booth School of Business

Marius Zoican

University of Toronto

Assistant Professor of Finance at University of Toronto