Found 999+ experts

Alan Morrison

Said Business School

Professor of Law and Finance at Said Business School

Steve New

Said Business School

Associate Professor in Operations Management at Said Business School

Jonathan Reynolds

Said Business School

Associate Professor in Retail Marketing and Deputy Dean at Said Business School

Joel Shapiro

Said Business School

Fundação Dom Cabral

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Professor of Financial Economics at Said Business School

Michael Smets

Said Business School

Professor Of Management at Said Business School

Marc Szepan

Said Business School

University of Cape Town

Lecturer in International Business at Said Business School

Jonathan Trevor

University of Cape Town

Said Business School

Associate Professor of Management Practice at Said Business School

Peter Tufano

Said Business School

Harvard Business School

Emeritus Professor of Finance at Said Business School

Marc Ventresca

University of Cape Town

Said Business School

Associate Professor of Strategic Management at Said Business School

Richard Whittington

Said Business School

Professor of Strategic Management at Said Business School