Found 801 experts

Dorina Grossu

Professor eLearning (Lean Six Sigma) BITSPEC an International Accredited Training Organization by PeopleCert

Jérôme Duberry

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Program Director / Managing Director - Tech Hub at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Gerald Appel

Harvard Medical School

Professor of Clinical Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Sven Bienert

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Chris Brown

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Emeritus Professor of International Relations at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Sheila Foster

Georgetown University

Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law and Policy, Professor of Public Policy at Georgetown University

Ed Mullen

Willma and Albert Musher Professor Emeritus of Social Work at Columbia University

Hooman Estelami

Fordham University

Professor of Marketing at Fordham University

Tom Schryver

School of Hotel Administration

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University


Executive Director, Cornell Center for Regional Economic Advancement at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University