Found 999+ experts

Martin Abraham

FAU School of Business and Economics

Chair of Sociology and Empirical Social Research at FAU School of Business and Economics

Martin Matzner

FAU School of Business and Economics

Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems at FAU School of Business and Economics

Martin Amlin

Boston University

Chair of Composition and Theory Department Associate Professor of Music at Boston University

Martin Kersbergen

Rotterdam School of Management

Martin Zahner

Grenoble Ecole de Management

Associate Director Of International Affairs. Associate Professor to department Modern Languages and Foreign Cultures. Maîtrise, Université stendhal at Grenoble Ecole de Management

Andrew Martin

Warwick Business School

Principal Teaching Fellow in Computing & Information Systems at Warwick Business School

Martin Roberts

Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership

University of Cape Town

Director of ELearning at Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) at Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership

Martin Brooks

The Chartered Institute of Marketing

Martin Hilb

Executive School of Management, Technology and Law

Professor at Executive School of Management, Technology and Law

Martin Weale

King’s Business School

Professor of Economics at King’s Business School