Found 585 experts

Richard Sloan

Haas School of Business

Professor at Haas School of Business

Richard Sloan

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Accounting at USC Marshall School of Business

Jessica Nixon

Asper School of Business

Director of Economic Development at Asper School of Business

Max Farrell

Booth School of Business

Assistant Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at Booth School of Business

Stephen Mugford

Crawford School of Public Policy

Educator, researcher, facilitator and change management consultant for government, military, private sector and non-government organisations at Crawford School of Public Policy

Derek Bell

Imperial College London

Professor at Imperial College London

Myra Hart

Harvard Business School

Retired Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School

Amy Hutton

Carroll School of Management

Professor at Carroll School of Management

Andrew Mitchell

Rotman School of Management

Ellison Professor of Marketing Emeritus at Rotman School of Management

Willow Jacobson

UNC School of Government

Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Professor for Teaching Excellence, Professor of Public Administration and Government, and Director, LGFCU Fellows Program at UNC School of Government