Young Jin Lee

Associate Professor in the Department of Business Information & Analytics at Daniels College of Business


  • Daniels College of Business



Daniels College of Business

Young Jin Lee is an associate professor in the Department of Business Information & Analytics at the Daniels College of Business. His research interests span economic and marketing aspects of online social media, mobile IT markets, piracy and digital rights management, and adoption and diffusion of IT innovations. His work has appeared in prestigious academic journals and conference proceedings including Management Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Conference of Information Systems, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, and Conference on Information Systems and Technology.

Lee gained professional experience as an information strategist for Samsung Group. He is the recipient of numerous honors, awards and grants, and currently serves as an associate editor on the editorial board of Communications of the Association for Information Systems.


  • PhD, Information Systems, University of Washington
  • MS, Information Systems Management, Carnegie Mellon University
  • BSBA, Information Systems, Ohio State University
  • BA, Business Administration, Chung-Ang University


  • Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems, 2010 – 2013
  • Austin E. Cofrin School of Business, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay
  • Graduate Student Researcher, 2005 – 2010
  • Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington


  • A. Tripathi, Y.​J.​ Lee, and A. Basu. 2022. Analyzing the Impact of Live and Public Buyer-Seller Engagement in Online Auctions, Information Systems Research (ISR), conditionally accepted.
  • Deng, T., T. Xu, and Y.​J.​ Lee. 2021. Policy Responses to COVID-19 and Stock Market Reactions – An International Evidence, Journal of Economics and Business (JEB), forthcoming.
  • Deng, T., Y.​J.​ Lee, and K. Xie. 2021. Management Responses to Online Hotel Reviews: Text Mining to Lift Reputation and Revenue, Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), forthcoming.
  • Lee, Y.​J.​, H. Ghasemkhani, K. Xie, and Y. Tan. 2021 Switching Decision, Timing, and App Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Mobile App Developers’ Switching Behavior between Monetization Strategies, Journal of Business Research, 127 (April), pp. 332-345.
  • Urbaczewski. A. and Y.​J.​ Lee. 2020. Information Technology and the pandemic: a preliminary multinational analysis of the impact of mobile tracking technology on the COVID-19 contagion control. European Journal of Information Systems
  • Xie. K. and Y.​J.​ Lee. 2020. Hotels at Our Fingertips: Understanding Consumer Conversion from Search, Click-though, to Book. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11 (1), pp. 49-67.
  • Lee, Y.​J.​, K. Keeling, and A. Urbaczewski. 2019. The Economic Value of Online User Reviews with Ad Spending on Movie Box-Office Sales. Information Systems Frontiers, 21 (4), pp 829–844.
  • Thornhill, M., K. Xie, and Y.​J.​ Lee. 2017. Social media advertising in a competitive market: Effects of earned and owned exposures on brand purchase. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 8 (1)
  • Xie, K. and Y.​J.​ Lee. 2015. Social Media and Brand Purchase: Quantifying the Effects of Earned and Owned Social Media in a Two-Stage Decision Making Model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32 (2) pp. 204-238.
  • Lee, Y.​J.​, Hosanagar, K., and Tan, Y. 2015. Do I Follow My Friends or the Crowd? Information Cascades in Online Movie Ratings. Management Science, 61 (9) pp. 2241-2258.
  • Lee, Y.​J.​, and Tan, Y. 2013. Effects of Different Types of Frehttp://dx.​doi.​org/10.1080/07421222.2015.1063297e Trials and Ratings in Sampling of Consumer Software: An Empirical Study. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30 (3) pp. 213–246.
  • Geng, X., and Lee, Y.​J.​ 2013. Competing with Piracy: A Multichannel Sequential Search Approach. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30 (2), pp. 159–184.


  • Scholarship of Discipline Award, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, 2017
  • The 2017 Management Science Best Paper Award in Information Systems, Information Systems Society, INFORMS, 2017
  • PROF Award, University of Denver, 2016
  • Evert McCabe Endowed Fellowship, University of Washington, 2009 – 2010
  • Graduate School Top Scholar, University of Washington, 2005 – 2006
  • W.W. Cooper Scholarship, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002 and 2003
  • Everett & Rowena Travis Scholarship, Ohio State University, 2001

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