Yesim Orhun
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
*Research *
Yesim Orhun's research program focuses on exploring questions related to the relationship between market structure, product provision and price discrimination; and, the relationship between beliefs and utility. She primarily uses empirical methods in studying product provision and price discrimination, and experimental methods in studying beliefs. Her research projects oftentimes offer a novel identification approach based on a theoretical and inter-disciplinary perspective that combines her background in Industrial Organization and Behavioral Economics.
She brings new insights from research to the classroom. When searching for a better strategy in complex business situation, she encourages students to employ critical thinking about possible strategies by identifying the relevant questions for the problem at hand, collecting and analyzing data to answer them while considering competitors' and consumers' reactions.
- PhD University of California, Berkeley - Walter A. Haas School of Business (2000 — 2006)
- Masters UC Berkeley (2000 — 2002)
- BS Koç Üniversitesi (1996 — 2000)
- Robert Koleji
- Krishna, A. and Orhun, Y. (2021) Gender (Still) Matters in Business School. Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
- Orhun, Y. and Palazzolo, M. (2019). Frugality is Hard to Afford. Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 56 (1), 1-17 (lead article).
• Winner of the Paul E. Green Award
• Selected media coverage: The Atlantic, NPR, The Washington Post, CNN Money, Business Insider. - Cui, Y., Orhun, Y., and Duenyas, I. (2019). How Price Dispersion Changes when Upgrades are Introduced: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the Airline Industry. Management Science, 65 (8), 3835-3852.
- Orhun, Y. (2018). Perceived Motives and Reciprocity. Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 109, 436-451.
- Orhun, Y., Venkataraman, S. and Chintagunta, P. (2015). Impact of Competition on Product Decisions: Movie Choices of Exhibitors.” Marketing Science, vol. 35 (1), 73-92.
- Orhun, Y. (2013). Spatial Differentiation in the Supermarket Industry: The Role of Common Information. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, vol. 11 (1), 3-37 (lead article).
- Orhun, Y., Urminsky, O. (2013). Conditional Projection: How Own Evaluations Impact Beliefs about Others Whose Choices Are Known. Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 50 (1), 111-124.
- Thomadsen, R., Zeithammer, R., Mayzlin, D., Orhun, Y., Pazgal, A., Purohit, D., Rao, R., Riordan, M., Shin, J., Sun, M., Villas-Boas, J.M. (2012). A Reflection on Analytical Work in Marketing: Three Points of Consensus. Marketing Letters, vol. 23 (2), 381-389.
- Orhun, Y. (2009). Optimal Product Line Design When Consumers Exhibit Choice-Set Dependent Preferences. Marketing Science, vol. 28 (5), 868-886.
- Draganska, M., Misra, S. , Aguirregabiria, V., Bajari, P., Einav, L., Ellickson, P., Horsky, D., Narayanan, S., Orhun, Y., Reiss, P., Seim, K., Singh, V., Thomadsen, R. and Zhu, T. (2008). Interrelated Discrete Choice Models of Firms Strategic Decisions. Marketing Letters, vol. 19 (3-4), 399-416.
- Heyman, J., Orhun, Y, Ariely, D. (2004). Auction Fever: The Effect of Opponents and QuasiEndowment on Product Valuations. Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 18(4), 7-21.
Heterogeneous Actions, Beliefs, Constraints and Risk Tolerance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bass FORMS Conference, Day 2, Room 2: Update Beliefs, Set Prices and Gender
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