Xue Qingmei

Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting at Nanjing University


  • Nanjing University



Nanjing University

Xue Qingmei graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in July 2004 and obtained a doctorate in management. She had been a visiting scholar at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and the University of Illinois. She is a national leading talent of accounting, a member of the Advisory Committee of the First Enterprise Accounting Standards. She is an Executive Director and Deputy Secretary-General of the Finance and Costs of the China Accounting Association. She is a Member of the Accounting History Committee of the Chinese Accounting Society. She is an expert in the Ph.D. program of Public Administration and Governance at the University of Rome, Italy.


  • Ph.D. in Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China 2001 - 2004
  • M.A. in Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China 1998 - 2001
  • B.A. in Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China 1994 - 1998

Research Interests

  • Accounting and Disclosure in Not-for-Profit Organizations
  • Accounting History and Management History
  • Corporate Governance
  • Accounting and Auditing Judgment and Decision Making

Teaching Interests

  • Introductory Financial Accounting
  • Intermediate Financial Accounting
  • International Accounting (IFRS)

Academic Experience

  • Associate Professor at the Business School, Nanjing University, Nanjing China 01/2012 - Now
  • Assistant Professor at the Business School, Nanjing University, Nanjing China 01/2007 - 12/2011
  • Assistant Professor at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian China 01/2003 - 12/2006
  • Visiting Scholar at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland 10/2005 - 10/2006
  • Visiting Scholar at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. 09/2011 - 09/2012
  • Visiting professor, University of Bologna: (GIOCA) Introductory Financial Accounting, Bologna, Italy, 8/24/08 - 10/20/08
  • Visiting professor, University of Rome: (Master of Science in Economics) Financial Reporting, Rome, Italy, 9/21/09 - 10/28/09
  • Visiting professor, University of Rome: (Master of Science in Economics) Financial Reporting, Rome, Italy, 3/5/11 - 4/25/11
  • Visiting professor, University of Rome: (Undergraduate Program of Global Governance) Introductory Financial Accounting, Rome, Italy, 2/27/15 - 4/25/15
  • Visiting professor, University of Rome: (Undergraduate Program of Business Administration/ Global Governance) Financial Accounting (IFRS), Rome, Italy, 3/3/2016 - 5/23/2016

Social Work

  • Advisory Council of Chinese Accounting Standards Board (CASB is like FASB) 2016 - Now

International Journals

  • Qingmei Xue and Yuning Niu, Governance and Transparency of the Chinese Charity Foundations, Asian Review of Accounting, forthcoming
  • Zhizhong, Huang and Qingmei, 2016, Re-Examination of the Effect of Ownership Structure On Financial Reporting: Evidence From Share Pledges in China, China Journal of Accounting Research, 9(2): 137-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjar.2015.11.001
  • Zan, Luca, and Qingmei Xue. Budgeting China. Macro-policies and micro-practices in the public sector changes. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 24.1 (2011): 38-62.
  • Xue, Q. and Zan, L., 2012, Opening the Door to Accounting Change. Transformations in Chinese Public Sector Accounting, Accounting History Review, 22(3): 269-299.
  • Xue, Q., 2012, Discussion of “Top Management Turnover, Firm Performance and Government Control: Evidence From China's Listed State-Owned Enterprises”, International Journal of Accounting, 47(2): 263-266.
  • Dong, M. and Xue, Q., 2010, The Effect of Governance Transparency On Earnings Response Coefficient: Evidence From Emerging Markets, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 6(2-3): 158-190.
  • Dong, M. and Xue, Q., 2009, Local Versus Global: Corporate Governance Practices in Chinese Domestic and Overseas Companies, International Journal of Disclosure & Governance, 6(4): 336-354.

Chinese Journals

  • Zhizhong Huang, Qingmei Xue, Li Su, Female Director, CEO turnover, and firm performance: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Economic Review 2015,196 (6), 132-143 {ISBN/ISSN}:1005-3425
  • Qingmei Xue, Da Song, Rong Wei, Zhengliang Gao, Ting Wang, Concede, or Deny: Do management persuasion tactics affect auditor evaluation of internal control deviations? Accounting Research,2015,9, 88-95. {ISBN/ISSN}: 1003-2886
  • Xiang Li, Qingmei Xue, Lihua Chen, Why do firms delay the good news: evidence from Chinese public firms. Hanjiang Forum, 2015, 8, 36-41 {ISBN/ISSN}: 1001-960X
  • Qingmei Xue, Xuanling Huang, The Effect of IASB due process: an investigation on a joint project of a conceptual framework. Accounting Friends 2015.3.page21-28{DOI}:10.3969/j.issn.10045937.2015.03.004
  • Qingmei Xue, Shu Lin, Research on the consistent understandings of uncertainty languages in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Journal of Accounting and Economics 2015, Vol.29, No.1. Page 41-54 {ISBN/ISSN}: 1009-670
  • Qingmei Xue,Classroom participation, academic performance and learning experience: Experiment research on courses for Master of Professional Accountants. Academic Degrees and Graduate Education, 2015.5. 23-28. {DOI}: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-960X.2015.05.006
  • Qingmei Xue, Investigation and Evaluation of Chinese Accounting Doctoral Programs, Journal of Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce, 2011, 25 (5), 13-22; Finance and Accounting Guide. 2012 (1). {DOI}: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-6701.2011.05.002
  • Qingmei Xue, Topics, methodologies and theories of Chinese accounting doctoral dissertations: Trend and international comparison (2002-2006), Accounting Research, 2010, May, pp 83-89
  • Quanwen Yang, Qingmei Xue, IPO Proceed Usage Changing, Performance Difference and Market Reaction, Accounting Research, 2009, April, pp.69-77.
  • Xiongsheng Yang, Qingmei Xue et.al., Pursuing the Scientific Spirit of Positive Accounting Research: The Thoughts Based on Reviewing of China’s Positive Accounting Researches during the Past 20 Years. Accounting Research, 2008, July, pp. 34-42.
  • Qingmei Xue, The Accounting Internationalization Reform, International Business, 2005. 2. pp.78-81
  • Qingmei Xue, Information Risk and Its Management in Financing for Privately Owned Enterprises. The Chinese Certified Public Accountant. 2005.1. pp.61-63
  • Qingmei Xue, The Obstacle of Size to Financing in Privately Owned Enterprises and Solutions. Research on Financial and Economic Issues. 2004. 7. General Serial No. 248 pp.77-82
  • Qingmei Xue, The Accounting Reform of South Korea and Its Implications for Our Country, Journal of Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2004.1.Vol. 286. pp.79-80
  • Qingmei Xue, The Accounting Internationalization Reform in Germany and Its Implications for Our Country, Germany Research, 2004. Vol. 19 (1). pp.36-40
  • Minghui Liu, Qingmei Xue, The Impact on the Accounting Reform with the Change of Political Environment after the Entering of WTO, Finance and Accounting, 2004.1. pp.27-29
  • Qingmei Xue, The Impact on the Accounting Reform with the Change of Economics Environment after the Entering of WTO. Heilongjiang Accounting, 2003.11. pp.25-26
  • Qingmei Xue, The Accounting Internationalization Reform in Australia and Its Implications for Our Country, Friends of Accounting, 2003.9, pp.44-45
  • Minghui Liu, Qingmei Xue, The Trend of Internationalization of Accounting Service and the Development of Chinese CPAs, Finance and Accounting, 2001.12. pp.41-44
  • Qingmei Xue, The Discussion on The Objectives of Chinese Independent Audit, Accounting Journal, 2000.8. pp. 37-38
  • Qingmei Xue, Qiang Wang, The Revolution of the Model of Accounting Report, Guangxi Accounting, 2000, 10. pp.18-19
  • Minhui Liu, Qingmei Xue, The Model of Chinese Independent Auditing in the 21st Century, Audit Theory and Practice, 2000.9. pp.6-8
  • Minghui Liu, Qingmei Xue, Hua Wang, Internationalization of Accounting Service, Accounting Research, 2000.7.pp.49-52
  • Qingmei Xue, Lihong Lin, Comparison of Overhead Allocation Reform in Chinese and Western Countries. Forest Finance and Accounting. 2000.5. pp.10-11
  • Minghui Liu, Qingmei Xue, Overview of Different Opinions on the Creation Drivers of Independent Auditing, The Chinese Certified Public Accountant, 2000.9. pp.11-13

Book Chapters

  • Qingmei Xue, Expectation Gap of audits” in Minhui Liu’s “Advanced Auditing and practice”, Publishing House of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, 2006, Jan.

Translated Books

  • Corporate Finance Theory, William L. Megginson, Addison-Wesley, co-published by Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press (2002).
  • Organization Theory and Design, Richard L. Daft, Thomson Learning, co-published by Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press (2002).
  • Comparative International Accounting, Christopher Nobes, 8ed/10ed/11ed/12ed. Robert Parker, Thomson Learning, co-published by Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press (2005/2009/2013/2016)
  • Accounting for Risk Hedging and Complex Contract, A, Rashad Abdel-Khalik, Routledge, co-published by Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press (2017)

Research Projects

Funded projects (internal)

  • Budget Accounting History in China, School of Business, Nanjing University, 01/01/08 - 12/31/09, ¥10,000
  • Emerging Researcher Training Program, School of Business, Nanjing University, 01/01/10 - 12/31/11, ¥20,000
  • Not-for-Profit Organization Information Disclosure, Nanjing University 01/01/15 - 12/31/17, ¥20,000

Funded projects (external)

  • Studies on Financial Management Theories, World Bank, 01/01/2008 - 10/31/09, ¥140,000
  • Survey of Accounting Doctoral Training Program in China, Education Department of China, 01/01/2008 - 12/31/09, ¥30,000
  • Uncertainty Languages and Professional Judgment, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01/01/10 - 12/31/12, ¥160,000

Teaching Awards

  • 2011 Teaching Award from the Business School, Nanjing University
  • 2014 International Accounting Course for Undergraduate Program, Nanjing University
  • 2015 Teaching Award for Creative Teaching, Nanjing University
  • 2016 International Accounting Course for Undergraduate Program, Nanjing University

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