Xiaoming Wang

Assistant Professor in the Department of Trade Economics at Renmin Business School


  • Renmin Business School



Renmin Business School


  • 1994-2000 Ph.D., Economics, Socialism Market Economy, Department of Economics Renmin University of China
  • 1990-1993 Master, Economics, History of Foreign Economy, Department of Economics Renmin University of China
  • 1984-1988 Bachelor, Biological Physics, School of Biology, Beijing Agricultural University(China Agricultural University)

Working Experiences

  • 1993.9-Present Renmin University of China
  • 1988.9-1990.7 Department of Agriculture of Jilin Province

Research Interests

History of International TradeResearch Philosophy:Explore the role of trade from a historical perspective on human survival and life; the relationship and impact of trade on society and social development structure; revise the shortcomings of profes


History of International Trade, Chinese Business History, Chinese and Foreign Trade History

Selected Academic Articles:

  • “How to Understand the ‘Mainstream’ of Modern Economics: a Review Based on the History of Economic Thoughts” 2013.01.15
  • Xiaoming Wang, Haipeng Niu and Panpan Song, “Inequality of Environmental Protection Investment and Regional Economic Differences - An Empirical Test based on Chinese Data from 1995 to 2009”, Modernization of Management, 2012

Selected Monographs:

  • History of World Trade, China Renmin University Press, 2009.

Selected Presentations at Academic Meetings:

  • Micro-ecological Reconstruction of County Economy: Innovative Thought on Supply-side Reform, Chinese Development Economics Committee.


  • Comprehensive Analysis of New International Trade, China Renmin University Press, 2000, Won the Publication Fund for Social Sciences of Beijing;
  • Comparative Analysis of Food Circulation, China Renmin University Press, 2002, Won the Publication Fund for Social Sciences of Beijing;
  • International Trade Practice, China Renmin University Press, 2006;
  • History of World Trade, China Renmin University Press, 2009

Services & Awards

Key community services

  • Commissioner, Economic Committee, China Democratic League Beijing Committee

Honors and Awards

  • History of World Trade, China Renmin University Press, 2009, Won the Second Prize of Outstanding Achievements in Science, Beijing

Media Coverage, Speech at Business Forum :

  • The Beijing News
    • 2016.9.26 The Debate over Lin (Planned Economy and Market Intervention) and Zhang (Market Economy and Market Freedom): Please Go Through the Appearance to Perceive the Essence;
    • 2016.11.21 Though the Debate over Lin (Planned Economy and Market Intervention) and Zhang(Market Economy and Market Freedom) was Over, We Should not Leave the Issue an Academic Debate.

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