William Thomas

Assistant Professor



As a Visiting Assistant Professor in the School of Continuing Studies, I taught in the Master of Professional Studies in Human Resource Management program. My courses included "Data Analysis and Decision Making," "Multinational Business Policy and Geopolitics," and the program's "Capstone" course. I also served as the academic advisor and career coach for 120+ graduate students. Research interests include organizational culture and learning, governance and civil society, and leadership in creative fields.

Taught undergraduate courses on leadership, strategy, and organizational change. Conducted research into the motivations underlying terrorist groups. Evaluated and wrote case studies on lessons learned in successful and unsuccessful military missions to provide students a practical application of classroom concepts.

• Named Outstanding Instructor in Military Strategic Studies in 1995 and 1996 • Academic advisor and career coach to 100 students each year • Editor of a strategic studies journal, "Airman-Scholar," examining emerging strategy needs

A Fulbright Scholar at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at NTU in Singapore from November 2008 through February 2009. I taught a master's-level course on the US national security policy making process and American strategic culture.

• Created a course on US strategic culture that explored the rationale behind policy making • Presented analysis of US elections to audience of policy makers and diplomatic corps


  • Principal Executive Onboarding Partner Amazon Web Services (AWS) (2022)
  • Director, Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, South-East Asia Economist Intelligence Corporate Network (2020 — 2022)
  • Founder & Chief Teaching Officer Designing Leaders (2014 — 2020)
  • Executive Advisor CEB (2012 — 2014)
  • Assistant Professor Georgetown University (2010 — 2011)
  • Columnist Washington Business Journal (2009 — 2010)
  • Policy Officer & Deputy Director for Strategic Planning, Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office United States Air Force (2006 — 2010)
  • Visiting Senior Fellow and Fulbright Scholar Nanyang Technological University (2008 — 2009)
  • Deputy Director, Institute for National Security Studies / Associate Professor of Political Science United States Air Force Academy (2003 — 2006)

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