Vlada Pleshcheva

Invited Lecturer at Humboldt University of Berlin/Research Associate and Lecturer at ESMT Berlin



Vlada Pleshcheva is a PhD candidate at the Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel Klapper. Her research interest lies in estimating consumers’ willingness-to-pay for energy efficiency of energy-using durable goods and subsequent policy implications.

In her PhD dissertation, Vlada focuses on the automobile market in Germany and combines insights from the behavioral economics with models of the neoclassical economic theory to explain empirical evidence on consumer behavior.

Being also a doctoral student in the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science, Vlada has a strong background in economics, quantitative marketing, and empirical research. She has gained an experience of working with aggregate market data (e.g., market shares of products), household-level survey data (e.g., individual purchases of products), and data on stated preferences from choice experiments. In her research, she applies various methods of quantitative analysis, including (multivariate) parametric and non-parametric regression and discrete choice models.

In one of her projects, Vlada investigates how the framing of information on the environmental impact of vehicles affects consumers' preferences and willingness-to-pay for a car quality. For this purpose, a mixed experimental design is developed and various versions of choice-based conjoint study are constructed with the help of Sawtooth Software. The insights of this study serve to provide guidance for both, policy makers and car manufacturers on how to present information on car offers.

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