Vishnu Juwono

Assistant Professor in Public Administration at the Faculty of Administrative Science at University of Indonesia


Dr Vishnu Juwono is an Assistant Professor in Public Administration at the Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia (FAS UI). He is also a researcher both in Collaborative Governance and Dynamic Public Service (CG-DPS) and Politics of Taxation, Welfare and National Resilience (PolTax) research cluster at FAS UI. He has been the Head of Transformation, Risk Management and Monitoring Evaluation Bureau at Universitas Indonesia (UI) since May 2020. Previously, he was appointed as Coordinator for International Cooperation in July 2017 – May 2020 and Assistant Manager for Research, Publication and Public Service at FAS UI in December 2016 – July 2017. Initially, Dr Juwono had joined the University as a Head of Communication at UI in 2009 – 2011, before he went to London for studying his PhD.

He got his Doctoral of Philosophy degree (PhD) from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), London, the United Kingdom, in September 2016 with a full scholarship from the Jardine Foundation, Hong Kong. His PhD thesis is on a political history of governance reform and anti-corruption initiatives in Indonesia, 1945 – 2014.

In October 2008 he pursued the post-graduate program in Diplomatic Studies at Queen Elizabeth House (QEH) and Trinity College, Oxford University, the United Kingdom. He also received a Master of International Affairs (M.I.A.) degree in 2003, with a concentration in International Finance and Business from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University, New York and earned his Bachelor’s Degree (Sarjana Ekonomi) from the Faculty of Economics, the University of Indonesia (FEUI) in 1999. He used to be working as Governance Consultant in the World Bank Office Jakarta in 2005 – 2008 and was working for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at the Executive Director of Southeast Asia Office in Washington D.C in 2004 – 2005.

He conducted his doctoral research in LSE as Visiting Fellow in Centre for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta, in October 2013 – December 2013, Visiting Affiliate in the Asia Research Institute (ARI), the National University of Singapore, Singapore, in January 2014 – March 2014 and Visiting Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Change (PSC) at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia, in September 2014. He was a Visiting Scholar in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, in May – June 2019.


  • Rahayu, Amy YS dan Vishnu Juwono (2018). Birokrasi dan Governance: Teori, Konsep dan Aplikasinya. Depok: Rajawali Pers.
  • Juwono, Vishnu (2018). Melawan Korupsi: Sejarah Pemberantasan Korupsi di Indonesia 1945 – 2014. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG).
  • Rahayu, Amy YS dan Vishnu Juwono (2018). Birokrasi dan Governance: Teori, Konsep dan Aplikasinya. Depok: Rajawali Pers.
  • Juwono, Vishnu, Ima Mayasari, Imas Cempaka Mulia, Syifa Amania Afra, Vina Rizkanti (2018). Korupsi Mengorupsi Di Daerah: Studi Pola Korupsi Pemerintahan Daerah 2004 – 2018. Depok: Rajawali Press.
  • Rosdiana, Haula, Inayati, Murwendah, Lucas Filberto Sardjono, Indriani, Vishnu Juwono (2018). Kebijakan Pajak atas Idle Land: Peluang dan Tantangan. Jakarta: Observation and Research of Taxation (Ortax).
  • Davidsen, Soren, Vishnu Juwono and David Timberman (2006). Curbing Corruption in Indonesia, 2004-2006: A Survey of National Policies and Approaches. Jakarta: CSIS and USINDO

Awards and Honors

  • PhD Scholarship from the Jardine Foundation in 2011 – 2016
  • PhD Mobility Bursary from London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE) as Visiting Affiliate at the Asia Research Institute (ARI), the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2013
  • Research grant from the Jardine Foundation for Visiting Fellow at the Department of Political and Social Change, the Australia National University, Canberra, Australia in 2014.
  • Postgraduate Travel Fund at LSE in 2014 and 2015.
  • In-course Financial Support for PhD thesis at LSE in 2016
  • The best Paper in Administrative Science Stream at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (APRISH), Universitas Indonesia Conference, Jakarta, August 2018.
  • The Faculty of Arts Indonesia Initiatives Program as Visiting Scholar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia in 2019
  • The Makara Dharma Bakti X Years Award for 10 years of Service at Universitas Indonesia in 2020
  • The third winner in Social Science Broad Subject for the best faculty competition at Universitas Indonesia in 2020

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