Thomas Rautenstrauch

Head of Department Business Analytics & Technology, Executive Board Member, Professor of Accounting at HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich



Thomas Rautenstrauch is Department Head Business Analytics & Technology since 2019 as well as Full Professor of Financial and Management Accounting at HWZ Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration, starting in 2009. Since 2007 he serves as lecturer and exam expert for the Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary.

Prior to his appointment, Rautenstrauch served as Professor and Project Manager of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts' Institute for Financial Services in Zug/Switzerland. Moreover, Rautenstrauch was Guest Professor and Subject Area Coordinator for Management Accounting at the iimt institute for management in technology at University of Fribourg from 2009 to 2018. As a lecturer for various accounting topics, he gained teaching experience at universities in Austria, Canada, Finland, Portugal, Russia and USA. Furthermore, in 2016 he became Guest Lecturer at University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Prior to his academic career, Rautenstrauch served as Head Cost Systems in the Corporate Controlling of the Continental Group, a Global Automotive Supplier. Before, he started his professional career as Senior Accountant for Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four Audit Companies.

A native of Minden/Germany, Rautenstrauch holds a doctorate (PhD) in Management Informations Systems from the University of Göttingen, where he also earned a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Business Administration. Furthermore, he holds a Certificate in International Accounting (CINA) from the Academy of International Acccounting in Stuttgart/Germany.

Rautenstrauch's areas of expertise include financial accounting, cost accounting and management control, auditing, corporate finance and business education. He is president of his own consulting company, editus consulting GmbH, and editor for WEKA, a swiss publishing house. Rautenstrauch authored numerous publications and serves on the editorial board of the Swiss Real Estate Journal. Since 2007 he has been member of the committee for business studies at the accredition and qualification agency ACQUIN.

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