Thierry Nadisic
- EMLYON Business School
EMLYON Business School
Associate Professor at EMLYON, Ph. D. in management, researcher in organizational behavior, Professeur agrégé en économie et gestion, certified coach, scientific counsellor of the French magazine “Psychologie Positive”
Thierry contributes to knowledge and practices on how to enrich and improve human relationships. His research addresses issues of fair management and well-being at work. His training and coaching activities emphasize leadership, change, team management, and growth of teams and individual executives. He disseminates his work through conferences, articles in the media, and on his blog, and through co-publication of the French magazine "Psychologie Positive".
- 2014 Coaching supervision training : Metasystem, Paris
- 2012 Certified coach: Coach and Team Certificate – Transformance, Paris
- 2011 Basics of coaching – International Mozaik, Paris
- 2009 “Qualification” in Management Science, the French University Approval to work as an assistant and associate Professor in the French State University system.
- 2008 Ph. D. in Management. HEC Paris Business School. Dissertation topic: “The fair hand of managers: How do managers correct injustice in the workplace?”
- 1997 “Agrégation” d’Economie et Gestion, courses attended at the Université Paris-1-Sorbonne. (Postgraduate degree in Economics and Business Administration that allows being a public servant as a full-time lecturer in the French school and university system).
- 1993 Master recherche (DEA 102) de sciences des organisations, mention stratégie et marketing, de l’Université Paris-9- Dauphine. (Postgraduate degree in Organization Sciences, specialization: Strategic Management and Marketing, Ph. D Program, 1st year, Paris-Dauphine University).
- 1992 Maîtrise de Sciences de Gestion de l’Université Paris-9-Dauphine (Master of sciences in Business Administration)
- 2009 Prize of the dissertation of the year, HEC foundation
- SInce 2016 Associate Professor at EMLYON, Paris campus
- 2013-2015 Director and founder of the Executive MBA at IESEG School of management, Paris
- 2008-2013 Assistant Professor at EMLYON, Lyon campus
- 1997-2008 Professeur agrégé (full time lecturer) at Paris 13 University
- 1994-1997 Manager1994-97 Responsible of the sales and marketing services at Réunion des musées nationaux.
- 1993 Aspirant (Reservist Lieutenant) responsible for social promotion, Air Force base, Bordeaux.
- • Since 2015: scientific advisor and member of the editorial board of the French magazine Pychologie Positive, published every two months, 40 000 copies.
- • Special 2015 issue of Journal of Business Ethics: “Context influences on organizational ethics and justice”
- • Special 2013 issue of Human Relations: “Behavioral ethics and organizational justice”
- • Special 2012 issue of Journal of Change Management: “Ethics, fairness and leadership”
Team management
Organizational Behavior
Organizational justice
Optimism at work
Well-being in organizations
Emotions at work
Change management
Individual and team coaching
Literary writing about experience at work
Academy of Management
Association Française de Gestion des Ressources Humaines
Institute for Social Justice Research
International Coach Federation
‑ Rupp, Deborah E., Shao, Ruodan, , Skarlicki, Daniel P., , Paddock, E. Layne, , Kim, Tae-Yeol, , Nadisic, Thierry. 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement: The Moderating Role of CSR-Specific Relative Autonomy and Individualism.Journal of Organizational Behavior, FORTH
‑ FORTIN, Marion, Nadisic, Thierry, , BELL, Chris M., , CRAWSHAW, Jonathan R., , Cropanzano, Russell. 2016. Beyond the Particular and Universal: Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence of Context, Justice, and Ethics.Journal of Business Ethics, 137 (4): 639-647 p.
‑ CRAWSHAW, Jonathan R., Cropanzano, Russell, , BELL, Chris M., , Nadisic, Thierry. 2013. Organizational justice: New insights from behavioural ethics.Human Relations, 66 (7): 885-904 P.
‑ Skarlicki, Daniel P., HOEGG, JoAndrea, , AQUINO, Karl, , Nadisic, Thierry. 2013. Does injustice affect your sense of taste and smell?: The mediating role of moral disgust.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49 (5): 852-859 P.
‑ GROVER, Steven L., Nadisic, Thierry, , PATIENT, David. 2012. Bringing Together Different Perspectives on Ethical Leadership.Journal of Change Management, 12 (4): 377-381 P.
‑ MANVILLE, Caroline, Melkonian, Tessa, , Nadisic, Thierry. 2010. Pourquoi un cadre dirigeant ne recrutera-t-il pas un lanceur d’alerte qui a dénoncé une entente concurrentielle ?: une approche par la théorie de la justice organisationnelle.Revue Lamy de la Concurrence, 22: 126-131 P.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry, Steiner, Dirk D.. 2010. Le management juste des ressources humaines à l’international: universalité ou spécificités culturelles ?.Revue de l’Organisation Responsable, 5 (2): 59-75 P.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2008. Pourquoi les managers ajoutent-ils de l'injustice à l'injustice?: Les antécédents de l’effet Churchill.Revue Française de Gestion, 34 (183): 221-250 P. BOOKS (3) ‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2018. S'épanouir sans gourou ni expert: Le meilleur coach, c'est vous !. Paris: Eyrolles 192 p.
‑ Cropanzano, Russell, Stein, Jordan H., , Nadisic, Thierry. 2010. Social justice and the experience of emotion.: Routledge 340 P.
‑ Cropanzano, Russell, Stein, Jordan H., , Nadisic, Thierry. 2010. Social justice and the experience of emotion. New YorkHove: Routledge Academic XVII-322 p.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2017. Bien-être et efficacité des agents chargés du service public., Le bien-être au travail. : Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP, 123-133 p.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2017. Le leadership juste., Réinventer le leadership. : EMS
‑ PARKS, Carole, BORLAND, Helen, , Nadisic, Thierry, , CRAWSHAW, Jonathan R.. 2014. HRM and the ethical organisation., Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives. : Sage Publications, 69-91 P.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2011. Cécile Lormoy: La justice organisationnelle en questions., Pratiques de GRH dans les pays francophones : 48 études de cas. : Vuibert, 89-105 P.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2011. Management interculturel de conflit, justice procédurale et restauration de l’harmonie., GRH et mondialisation: Nouveaux contextes, nouveaux enjeux. : Vuibert, 159-176 P.
‑ Nadisic, Thierry. 2008. The Robin Hood effect: Antecedents and consequences of managers using invisible remedies to correct workplace injustice., Justice, Morality and Social Responsibility. : Information Age Publishing, 125-153 P.
Fair Management | Thierry Nadisic | TEDxIESEGParis
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