Tatiana Goetghebuer

Director, Head of Impact Department at ADE / Lecturer at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management


  • Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management



Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

Tatiana Goetghebuer joined ADE in 2013 and has been leading the Impact Department since 2018. She is also Team Leader and Project Director for various impact and strategic evaluations.

She holds a PhD in Economics specialised in Development Economics from the University of Namur and a bachelor’s degree in Business Engineering. She has recognised expertise in designing rigorous impact evaluations in relation to field reality, and in conducting large-scale, complex household surveys in various domains. In addition to her excellent analytical competence and solid field experience, she has strong didactic, communication and management skills. She teaches Impact Evaluation in Practice to MA students at ULB, UNamur (Belgium) and UniLux.

Before joining ADE, Tatiana was assistant professor of Economics at Namur University and a researcher at the CRED.

Tatiana is a French native speaker , is fluent in English, and has a working knowledge of Spanish and Dutch.

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