Steve Carson

Chair, David Eccles Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor at David Eccles School of Business


  • David Eccles School of Business



David Eccles School of Business

Dr. Steve Carson is an associate professor of marketing, chair of the Marketing Department, and a David Eccles Faculty Fellow. He joined the David Eccles School of Business in 2000 after receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He holds an M.B.A. from the University of Texas-Austin and an A.B. in Economics from the University of Illinois.His research and teaching interests focus on marketing strategy and management, marketing channels, innovation, outsourcing, and internet marketing. He currently teaches the core marketing management classes in both the Executive MBA and Professional MBA programs and a Ph.D. seminar in marketing strategy and empirical research methods.Professor Carson has consulted in a variety of industries including automotive, telecommunications, consumer electronics, consumer packaged goods, medical services, financial services, and public utilities with organizations ranging from internet startups to Fortune 500 companies.Education

Ph.D., Marketing, University of Minnesota, 2000

M.B.A., Marketing, University of Texas-Austin, 1991

A.B., Economics, University of Illinois, 1989

Research Summary

Dr. Carson’s research and teaching interests focus on marketing strategy and management, marketing channels, innovation, outsourcing and internet marketing.

Teaching Experience

MKTG 4999 – Marketing Honors Projects

MKTG 6090 -Marketing Management

MKTG 6090 – Marketing Management

MKTG 7970 – Thesis Research, Ph.D.

MKTG 7980 – Faculty Consultation

MKTG 7990 – Continuing Registration, Ph.D.


Nga N. Ho-Dac, Stephen J. Carson & William L. Moore (2013). The Effects of Positive and Negative Online Customer Reviews: Do Brand Strength and Category Maturity Matter?. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 77. Published, 11/2013.

Stephen J. Carson & George John (2013). A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Property Rights Sharing in Outsourced Research Development and Engineering Relationships. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 34. Published, 09/2013.

Ekaterina V. Karniouchina, Stephen J. Carson, Jeremy C. Short & David J. Ketchen (2013). The Firm versus Industry Debate: Does Industry Lifecycle Stage Matter?. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 34. Published, 08/2013.

Stephen J. Carson, Tao Wu & William L. Moore (2012). Managing the Tradeoff between Ambiguity and Volatility in New Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 29(6). Published, 11/2012.

Aric Rindfleisch, Kersi Antia, Janet Bercovitz, James Brown, Joseph Cannon, Stephen J. Carson, Mrinal Ghosh, Susan Helper, Diana C. Robertson & Kenneth H. Wathne (2010). Transaction Costs, Opportunism, and Governance: Contextual Considerations and Future Research Opportunities. Marketing Letters. Vol. 21. Published, 09/2010.

Stephen J. Carson, Robert D. Jewell & Christopher Joiner (2007). Prototypicality Advantages for Pioneers over Me-Too Brands: The Role of Evolving Product Designs. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 35. Published, 06/2007.

Stephen J. Carson (2007). When to Give Up Control of Outsourced New Product Development. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 71. Published, 01/2007.

Stephen J. Carson, Anoop Madhok & Tao Wu (2006). Uncertainty, Opportunism and Governance: The Effects of Volatility and Ambiguity on Formal and Relational Contracting. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 49. Published, 10/2006.

Stephen J. Carson, Anoop Madhok, Rohit Varman & George John (2003). Information Processing Moderators of the Effectiveness of Trust Based Governance in Inter-Firm R&D Collaboration. Organization Science. Vol. 14. Published, 01/2003.

Terry L. Childers, Christopher Carr, Joann J. Peck & Stephen J. Carson (2001). Hedonistic and Utilitarian Motivations for Online Retail Shopping Behavior. Journal of Retailing. Vol. 77. Published, 11/2001.

Stephen J. Carson, Timothy M. Devinney, Grahame R. Dowling & George John (1999). Understanding Institutional Designs within Marketing Value Systems. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 63, 115-130. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 12/1999.

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