Stephen Hadley

Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs at School of International and Public Affairs


  • School of International and Public Affairs



School of International and Public Affairs

Steve Hadley is an economic development specialist with thirty years of experience designing and implementing programs in developing countries.  His recent work includes developing strategy for U.S. support to Ukraine following the Euromaidan “revolution”, strategy for economic assistance to Somalia, and the design of a regional trade integration program in Central Asia.  From 2000 to 2008, he was responsible for economic growth policy and best practice for USAID and professional development for USAID’s economists and private sector development officers.  Steve has worked in 25 countries including long-term residence in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Ukraine/Moldova/Belarus.  He has a special interest in economic recovery and growth in post-conflict environments.

Steve is a graduate of Yale, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.


  • MSc, Industrial College of the Armed Forces
  • MA, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
  • BA and BSc, Yale University

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