Sira Abenoza

Professor of CSR at ESADE Business School


  • ESADE Business School




ESADE Business School

Professor at the Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability, researcher at the Institute for Social Innovation and director of the Vicens Vives Program. PhD in Philosophy (UB) with a thesis on the importance of Socratic dialogue as a way to promote responsible management and leadership. Graduate in International Business (UPF) and in Philosophy (UB) and Master in Citizenship and Human Rights (UB and UdG). CSR and Sustainability consultant for 15 years in companies such as PwC, and advising public administrations and national and international companies in sectors such as banking, energy, or agri-food. Author of the book CSR in front of the mirror (2015) and NGO and business collaborations that transform society (2016). Creator and promoter of projects to promote social entrepreneurship with a shared value approach in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Engaging UNDP, universities, companies, NGOs and the governments of the countries. She is currently investigating four areas: the impact of improving dialogue capacity on companies; responsible leadership; the causes and origins of criminal conduct among prisoners of economic crimes for a better pedagogy of business ethics in business schools; finally the transformation of digital companies into responsible tech.


  • International Business Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Philosophy Universitat de Barcelona
  • Master’s Degree Universitat de Barcelona
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Universitat de Barcelona


  • Founder Institute for Socratic Dialogue (2016)
  • Researcher Institute for Social Innovation - ESADE Business & Law School (2012)
  • Professor of CSR, Business Ethics and Socratic Dialogue ESADE Business & Law School (2008)
  • Director Center for Research and Application of Social Solution (2012 — 2016)
  • CSR Senior Consultant PwC (2008 — 2012)
  • Researcher MANGO Chair on Corporate Social Responsibility (2007 — 2009)


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