Sarah Aldrich

Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University


  • The George Washington University



The George Washington University

Sarah Aldrich is an analyst in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, covering all of sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on Nigeria. She is currently detailed from the State Department, to the Hill, working on foreign policy issues for Senator Richard Blumenthal. Since joining the State Department in 2014, she has led both quantitative and qualitative research projects on an array of topics ranging from politics and the economy, to counterterrorism and public health initiatives in over 20 countries. In this position she routinely briefs senior leaders across the US government. Sarah has also served as an international election observer for several elections in the region and lectures on public opinion at the Foreign Service Institute.

Prior to joining the State Department, Sarah worked on democracy and governance programs in West Africa and the Middle East for the International Republican Institute. During this time she worked with leading Nigerian hip hop artists on rock the vote concerts and music videos to encourage youth to peacefully and actively participate in their political system.

Sarah has a Bachelors in political science and a Masters in international relations from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand.

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