Roxane Cattan-Jallet

Associate Professor, Statistics at Management School ESSCA


  • Management School ESSCA



Management School ESSCA

Doctor of Applied Mathematics (2008), Roxane Cattan-Jallet is responsible for the quantitative methods courses in the “Marketing and Business Engineering” Major (MIA), as well as in the continuing education program of the ESSCA Integrated Master in Management. She teaches probability, statistics, operational research and data analysis.

Her research work initially focused on methods for forecasting from functional data using the B-splines or regression splines method. More recently, Roxane Cattan-Jallet has applied her mathematical knowledge to Marketing by studying purchasing behaviour or consumer loyalty.

Her research has been published in academic journals, research notebooks or conference proceedings (Journal of Applied Business Research, Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences, Cahier de Recherche du LST)

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