Romain Bertrand
Research Professor at Sciences Po
- Sciences Po
Sciences Po
Romain Bertrand joined CERI in 2001 and became senior research fellow in 2008. He graduated from Sciences Po Bordeaux in 1996 and received his PhD degree from Sciences Po in 2000. His dissertation focused on the entry-paths into political careers of the members of Javanese aristocracy in Dutch Indonesia between 1880 and 1930. He sat on editorial boards of the journals Raisons politiques, Critique internationale, Politix and_Genèses_ and is currently a member of the editorial board of Annales. Histoire, sciences sociales, and sits on the peer-review board of Moussons. He was visiting fellow at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and atNuffield College, Oxford, and visiting professor at the Department of International Relations of Fudan University, Shanghai and at the Department of Sociology of the New School for Social Science Research in New York. More recently, he lectured at Cornell University (Blumenthal Lectures), at the New School in New York (Hans Speier Lectures), and was keynote speaker at the annual congress of the Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap. At Sciences Po, he is in charge, together with Stéphane van Damme (Centre of History) of the research seminar L’épreuve des Indes about the circulation and the construction of the historiography of knowledge of “the imperial encounters” in the modern era.