Preman Rajalingam

Director at Centre for Teaching, Learning & Pedagogy / Senior Lecturer at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine / Trainer at Nanyang Technological University Centre for Professional and Continuing Education


  • Nanyang Technological University Centre for Professional and Continuing Education



Nanyang Technological University Centre for Professional and Continuing Education

Dr Preman Rajalingam is the Director of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Pedagogy (CTLP) at NTU. He was previously the Assistant Dean for Educational Development at LKCMedicine. He has master’s degrees in Biomedical Engineering (The University of Queensland, 2004) and Education Research Methods (The University of Western Australia, 2007). He received his Ph.D. in Education Psychology from Monash University, Australia in 2012.

Dr Rajalingam started his career as an engineer but quickly realised he’d rather be an educator. He is a passionate advocate of active and student-centred approaches to learning and an expert in higher education pedagogy, particularly Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Team-Based Learning (TBL). Having joined LKCMedicine in 2012, Dr Rajalingam was instrumental in setting up the TBL approach used at this institution. His other responsibilities include educational development, consulting on curriculum development and e-learning, and scholarship in medical education. As an expert in higher education, he regularly conducts local and international workshops on how to effectively employ innovative teaching methods within various subject disciplines.

Research Interests

Current research interests include TBL, the science of learning science underpinning active-collaborative learning approaches, and the evolving roles of teachers in higher education.

Articles (Journal)

  • Kai, Y. L., Ang, J., Rajalingam, P. (2022). "Very Short Answer Questions in Team-Based Learning: Limited Effect on Peer Elaboration and Memory." Medical Science Educator (2022): 1-7.
  • Tan, S. H. S., Thibault, G., Chew, A. C. Y., & Rajalingam, P. (2022). Enabling open‐ended questions in team‐based learning using automated marking: Impact on student achievement, learning and engagement. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(5), 1347-1359.
  • Seet, A., Tan, E., & Rajalingam, P. (2022). Effect of Seating Arrangement on Class Engagement in Team-based Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Medical Science Educator, 1-9.
  • Mogali, S. R., Chandrasekaran, R., Radzi, S., Kai, P. Z., Tan, G. J. S., Rajalingam, P., & Yee, Y. W. (2021). Investigating the effectiveness of three‐dimensional printed anatomical models compared to plastinated human specimens in learning cardiac and neck anatomy: A randomised cross‐over study. Anatomical Sciences Education, 2021 Aug 7
  • Yang, L., & Rajalingam, P. (2020). Are two teachers better than one? Team teaching in TBL. Medical Science Educator, 30(1), 643-647.
  • Schmidt, H. G., Rotgans, J. I., Rajalingam, P., & Low-Beer, N. (2019). A Psychological Foundation for Team-Based Learning: Knowledge Reconsolidation. Academic Medicine, 94(12), 1878-1883.
  • Koh, Y. Y. J., Rotgans, J. I., Rajalingam, P., Gagnon, P., Low-Beer, N., & Schmidt, H. G. (2019). Effects of graded versus ungraded individual readiness assurance scores in Team-Based Learning: a quasi-experimental study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 24(3), 477-488.
  • Rajalingam, P., Rotgans, J. I., Zary, N., Ferenczi, M. A., Gagnon, P., & Low-Beer, N. (2018). Implementation of Team-Based Learning on a large scale: Three factors to keep in mind. Medical teacher, 1-7.


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