Phil Cardoso

at Cornell CALS


  • Cornell CALS



Cornell CALS

Dr. Phil Cardoso is an associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his D.V.M., and M.S. degrees from the Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Since 2012, Cardoso has established a unique program that seamlessly blends his teaching, extension, and research efforts. Phil’s Dairy Science program impact by placing students in applied positions and academia. Phil and his students have published over 70 peer-reviewed manuscripts (original research and invited reviews) and 3 invited book chapters to date. The program builds from questions asked by dairy producers and focuses on having the dairy cow’s diet as a medical prescription for performance, health, and reproduction. That is achieved by understanding the impact of nutrition on metabolism, reproduction, and health in dairy cows, as well as mechanisms of metabolic adaptation to stressors and forage quality.

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