Orly Levy

Reader in International Organisational Behaviour at Cranfield School of Management


  • Cranfield School of Management



Cranfield School of Management


Orly holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to joining Cranfield she has worked at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. She is also certified as a coach in Consulting and Leading in Organizations by the Tavistock Institute.

Current activities

Orly Levy, PhD, is a Reader in International Organizational Behaviour.  She specializes in the art and science of working across cultural boundaries.  Orly’s work focuses on global mindset and cosmopolitan disposition, global leadership in theory and practice, corporate culture and collaboration in global firms, and transnational social and cultural capital.  

She has published in leading journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Journal of Organizational Behavior, and in scholarly books. Her research has also been featured in international press, including Forbes, Forbes China, Financial Post, and Montreal Gazette. She also sits on the editorial board of Advances in Global Leadership

Her research has been recognized through various awards, amongst them winner of the Outstanding Author Contribution in Advances in Global Leadership (2016), winner of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Best Paper Award (2015), a large National Science Foundation Research Grant (2000-2006), nominee for the Academy of Management Dexter Award for Best International Paper (2004), winner of the Academy of Management Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division Best Dissertation (2001), and finalist for the Academy of Management Newman Best Dissertation Award (2001).

Orly has a broad international experience as she has lived and conducted field research in diverse cultures, amongst them Australia, China, India, Israel, Japan, Switzerland, Turkey, and the US.


  • Articles in journals
  • Conference papers
  • Books

Articles In Journals

  • Levy O & Reiche BS (2017) The politics of cultural capital: Social hierarchy and organizational architecture in the multinational corporation, Human Relations, Early online.
  • Levy O, Taylor S, Boyacigiller NA, Bodner T, Peiperl M & Beechler S (2015) Perceived senior leadership opportunities in MNCs: The effect of social hierarchy and capital, Journal of International Business Studies, 46 (3) 285-307.
  • Bouquet C, Barsoux J-L & Levy O. (2015) The perils of attention from headquarters, Mit Sloan Management Review, 56 (2) 16-18.
  • Bouquet C, Barsoux J-L & Levy O. (2015) Los peligros de llamar la atención de las sedes centrales, Harvard Deusto Business Review.
  • Peiperl M, Levy O & Sorell M. (2014) Cross-border mobility of self-initiated and organizational expatriates: Evidence from large-scale data on work histories, International Studies of Management and Organization, 44 (3) 44-65.
  • Levy O, Peiperl M & Bouquet C (2013) Transnational social capital: A conceptualization and research instrument, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 13 (3) 319-338.
  • Levy O, Peiperl M & Bouquet C (2010) Experiential and competency determinants of transnational social capital, Academy of Management Proceedings, 1.
  • Levy O, Taylor S & Boyacigiller N (2010) On the rocky road to strong global culture, Mit Sloan Management Review, 51 (4) 20-22.
  • Taylor S, Levy O, Boyacigiller NA & Beechler S. (2008) Employee commitment in MNCs: Impacts of organizational culture, HRM and top management orientations, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (4) 501-527.
  • Levy O, Beechler S, Taylor S, Boyacigiller NA, (2007) What we talk about when we talk about global mindset: Managerial cognition in MNCs, Journal of International Business Studies, 38 (2) 231-258.
  • Levy O. (2005) The influence of top management team attention patterns on global strategic posture of firms, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26 (7) 797-819.
  • Levy O & Cohen E. (1997) The occupation by Jews of St. John''s Hospice in the old city of Jerusalem: Analysis of an iconic event, Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development, 26 (2) 201-238.

Conference Papers

  • Levy O, Peiperl M, Bouquet C & Jonsen K (2016) Determinants of transnational social capital: Opportunity-investment-ability perspective. In: Academy of International Business, New Orleans, 27 June 2016.
  • Levy O, Lee H-J, Peiperl M & Jonsen K (2015) Cosmopolitanism and brokerage processes across cultural boundaries. In: The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Venice, 29 October 2015.
  • Alcaraz-Barriga J, Nicolopoulou K, Kakabadse N, Levy O & Jonsen K (2015) Cosmopolitanism: nurturing (international) management ‘above and beyond’ globalization. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2015**, Vancouver, British Columbia (75th), 7-11 August 2015.
  • Levy O, Lee H-J, Peiperl M & Jonsen K (2015) Cosmopolitans: brokering cultural and structural holes in international business. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2015**, Vancouver, British Columbia (75th), 7-11 August 2015.
  • Bouquet C & Levy O (2014) The dark side of corporate attention: how abnormal levels of market anxiety fuel sub-optimal behaviors in the modern global corporations. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2014**, Philadelphia, PA. 74th, 1-5 August 2014.


  • Levy O, Peiperl M & Jonsen K. (2016) Cosmopolitanism in a globalized world: An interdisciplinary perspective. In: Advances in Global Leadership. Joyce Osland (ed.), p. 281-323.
  • Levy O, Beechler S, Taylor S & Boyacigiller N (2014) Global mindset. In: Wiley Encyclopaedia of Management. Vodosek M, den Hartog D (ed.), Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, ed. 3.
  • Levy O, Beechler S, Taylor S & Boyacigiller NA (2014) What we talk about when we talk about global mindset: Managerial cognition in MNCs. In: International and Global Strategy. Pedersen T (ed.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Beechler S, Levy O, Taylor S & Boyacigiller NA. (2008) Global mindset. In: The Handbook of 21st Century Management. Wankel C (ed.), Sage Publications, p. 178-189.
  • Levy O, Boyacigiller NA & Beechler S (2007) Global mindset: A review and proposed extensions. In: Advances in International Management. Laszlo Tihany, Torben Pedersen and Timothy Devinney (ed.), Emerald, p. 11-47.
  • Beechler S, Levy O, Taylor S & Boyacigiller NA. (2004) Does it really matter if Japanese MNCs think globally? The impact of employees’ perceptions on their attitudes. Laszlo Tihany, Torben Pedersen and Timothy Devinney (ed.), Emerald, p. 261-288.
  • Boyacigiller NA, Beechler S, Taylor S & Levy O. (2004) The crucial yet elusive GQ: Global mindset. In: The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management. Lane H., M. Maznevski, M. Mendenhall (ed.).

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