Nicola Chelotti

LSE Fellow in International Relations of Europe at The London School of Economics and Political Science


  • The London School of Economics and Political Science



The London School of Economics and Political Science

Experience Keywords

EU decision-making process; EU foreign and defence policy; Italian foreign policy; bureaucracy and politics; political parties

Research Summary

My research primarily investigates the role of bureaucracy in (foreign) policy-making, in particular within the European Union and its foreign and defence policy. It explores issues such as the identity of the officials involved in the CFSP/CSDP decision-making, their degree of leeway in the formulation and negotiation of the national position, and their impact on negotiations.

I am presently working on papers analysing the different logics and practices of the culture of consensus in the Council, the causes of variation in CFSP/CSDP negotiation styles, and the implications of the progressive decentralisation of policy-making for transgovernmental relations

Research Countries

Europe; Italy; Mediterranean region


French [Spoken: Basic, Written: Basic]; Italian [Spoken: Fluent, Written: Fluent]; Spanish [Spoken: Intermediate, Written: Intermediate]

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