Nataly Lorinkova

Nataly Lorinkova at McDonough School of Business


  • McDonough School of Business



McDonough School of Business

Dr. Natalia M. Lorinkova is an assistant professor at the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. She completed her PhD in Management at the R. H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. Her theoretical research interests include leadership and social capital, with an emphasis on change, developmental and empowering processes. Dr. Lorinkova is also interested in non-traditional work arrangements such as virtual teams, tele-working and working from home. From a methodological perspective, Dr. Lorinkova is interested in growth modeling, multi-level modeling and meta-analytical techniques. Her research has appeared in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology and Journal of Management.


  • University of Maryland-College Park - Ph.D.
  • School of Public Policy and Management - Korean Development Institute - M.B.A.
  • Sofia University - B.Sc.


Articles in Journals (4) Perry, S. J., Lorinkova, N. M., Hunter, E., Hubbard, A., & McMahon, T.. "Does virtuality expose reality? Examining the role of work-family dissimilarity and virtuality on social loafing in teams." Journal of Management (2013)

Lorinkova, N. M., Pearsall, M., Sims, H. P.. "Examining the differential longitudinal performance of directive versus empowering leadership in teams." Academy of Management Journal, 56, 2 (2013): 573-596.

Seo, M., Taylor, M. S., Hill, N. S., Zhang, X., Tesluk, P., & Lorinkova, N. M. "The role of affect and leadership during radical organizational change." Personnel Psychology, 65 (2012): 121-165.

Somaya, D., Wiliamson, I. O., Lorinkova, N. M.. "Gone but not lost: The different performance impacts of employee mobility between cooperators vs. competitors." Academy of Management Journal, 51, 5 (2008): 936-953

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