Monica Kerretts-Makau

Senior Faculty at Strathmore Business School


Strathmore Business School

Dr. Monica Kerretts-Makau is a Female Kenyan. She earned her PhD in 2006 in Sydney, Australia and has been a practicing academic- practitioner for over 12 years. She has been based at Strathmore University Business School since 2009 as Senior Faculty in Management communications and Institutions/Organization behavior and Change in the MBA/MPPM and Management Leadership Programs. She is also a board trainer on several SBS programs, having earned several board training certificates including the IFC Board Program training of trainers. She is passionate about Governance and Management practices in Africa and utilizes Teaching and Research and Consultancy as a tool for practical and applied learning where work-place dilemmas are tested and debated against existing theory. She has served with the World Bank in advisory consultancy capacity since 2007 to date on ICT policy and has also served as Change Advisor to the Change management process at the Kenyan Judiciary between 2012 and 2015 and 2017 to 2018. She is well published with the most recent book being – “A Ticking Time Bomb’- Education at Crossroads”


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