Miroslav Beblavy

Adjunct Professor at Sciences Po


  • Sciences Po



Sciences Po

I prefer to work on projects that combine research, academic, management, policy and consulting skills. Over the past 20 years, I have created anti-corruption, educational, social, financial and economic policies for Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, Central Asia, Serbia, France, Kazakhstan and Uganda. When creating policies and management methods, I pay attention to their transparency and practicality.

In addition to consulting and family, I am writing a book about papalášism in Slovakia. I will be happy if you read it later.

In April, I founded the apolitical initiative Korona:facty , the goal of which is to bring more expertise to the discussion about the solution to the pandemic and its consequences for our society, and to involve all relevant disciplines in it.

Today, the coronavirus and its consequences are primarily discussed from a medical and economic point of view. In our opinion, the views of experts on society, the human soul and data analysis are equally important. I was inspired by the cooperation with the mayor of Bratislava, Matúš Vallo, who uses the same approach.


  • PhD University of St. Andrews (1999 — 2005)
  • M.Litt. University of St. Andrews (1998 — 1999)


  • Chief Executive Officer CB ESPRI (2022)
  • Public Financial Management Advisor International Monetary Fund (2022)
  • Adjunct Professor: Dynamics of Welfare State: Confronting Globalization, Inequality and Populism Sciences Po (2021)
  • Chief Executive Officer ZHIVA (2021)
  • Investor in early-stage startups (particularly digital health and education) Glycanostics, Iluria, myTamarin, Nettle AI, isklad, Gymbeam (2021)
  • CEO / konateľ ESPRI, s.r.o (2021)
  • Scientific Coordinator EENEE (2021)
  • Externý komentátor / columnist Denník SME (2020)
  • Konzultant pre Plán obnovy / Consultant on Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia Ministerstvo financií Slovenskej republiky (2020 — 2021)


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