Miquel Vilagut

Assistant Professor of Social Philosophy, Social Sciences dept. in Economy and Business Degree at ESADE Business School


  • ESADE Business School



ESADE Business School

The “la Caixa” Foundation Grants program was created in 1999, funding ten thousand projects of nonprofit organisations throughout Spain.

The Grants program funds 18 milion €, funding eight hundred projects of spanish nonprofit organisations in 2013.

The funds give suport to program needs of nonprofits operating social services in health (desease, disability, aging) and poverty and social exclusion (housing, training, employement) areas, as well as community development (arts, education, multiculturalism).

The Grants program major challenge is build organisations capacity through support: increasing nonprofits acces to funding, improving operating efficiency by partnership creation, sharing resources and experiences through communication and opening data to provide monitoring information.


  • ESADE Business School (1995 — 2000)
  • BA Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1975 — 1982)
  • BA Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1975 — 1980)


  • Grants program Manager, Social area "la Caixa" Foundation (2013)
  • Internal Communications Manager, Organization and General Services area "la Caixa" Foundation (2011 — 2013)
  • Environment projects, Exhibition, Activities Manager, Environment & Science programs area "la Caixa" Foundation (2005 — 2010)
  • Project and Grants program Manager, Institutional Partnership area "la Caixa" Foundation (1997 — 2005)
  • Project Manager, Deputy General Manager staff "la Caixa" Foundation (1995 — 1997)
  • Project Manager, Planning, Evaluation and Methods area "la Caixa" Foundation (1995 — 1995)
  • Project Manager, Education programs area Fundacio "la Caixa" (1990 — 1994)
  • Assistant Professor of Social Philosophy, Social Sciences dept. in Economy and Business Degree. ESADE Business & Law School (1985 — 1991)

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