Michael Ojovan

Professor at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London

After graduating (MSc, 1979) in Solid State Physics from Moscow Engineering Physical Institute Michael gained a DPhil (1982) from the National Research Nuclear University on interaction of radiation with small particles, and a DSc degree (1994) in Physical Chemistry from Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Physical Chemistry on surface effects in nuclear waste forms. He then (1982-2002) worked as Deputy Director of the Applied Research Centre of Moscow Scientific and Industrial Association (Radon) after which becoming a Reader in waste immobilisation at the University of Sheffield (2002-2011). Since 2011 to 2018 he has worked in the Department of Nuclear Energy of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Michael studies the relation between processing, properties and structures of glasses and glass composite materials, nuclear waste immobilisation methods and materials and has supervised 12 students to completion of their PhDs.

Michael has co-authored 14 books (3 editions of An Introduction to Nuclear Waste Immobilisation, New Developments in Glassy Nuclear Wasteforms, Crystalline Materials for Actinide Immobilisation, Cementitious Materials for Nuclear Waste Immobilization, Handbook of Advanced Radioactive Waste Conditioning Technologies, Radioactive waste management and contaminated site clean-up: Processes, technologies and international experience, Technological Bases of Radioactive Waste Management System, Glasses for Radioactive Wastes ...) and has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers, 11 book chapters and authored 42 patents. He has also been awarded research grants totalling over £8M.

His research interests include: amorphous oxide materials, glass-liquid transition, viscosity, poly-phase oxide materials, glasses and crystals for nuclear waste immobilisation, aqueous corrosion, long term performance and radiation-induced effects in glasses, nuclear waste processing and immobilisation technologies, metastable and strongly excited systems, Rydberg matter. Prizes include: IAEA Merit Award (2017), ASME Award for best Waste Management paper (2012), Best paper award from the Radiation Safety Issues journal (2009), Award of State Unitary Enterprise SIA “Radon” (2008), Award of American Society of Mechanical Engineers International (2004), Award of International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies (1998), State Medal of the Government of Moscow (1999), Silver medal of All-Union Exhibition of Ecological Projects (1986), and Best Invention Award of Medium-Machine Building Ministry (1985).

Michael is a Fellow of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences elected in 1996, Chief Editor of journal Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, and a member of the Editorial Boards of Journal of Nuclear Materials, Sustainability, Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science, and npj Materials Degradation.

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