Michael Henke

Professor for Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at Louvain School of Management / Professor for Logistics at Chinese German College (CDHK)


Prof. Dr. Michael Henke completes the board of directors of Fraunhofer IML as new director of the section Enterprise Logistics and he also holds the chair of Enterprise Logistics at the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Dortmund University succeeding Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Kuhn who held both positions for twenty years and who took his well-deserved retirement last year. Henke, who held the Chair of Purchasing and Supply Management at EBS European Business School in Wiesbaden, started his new career at Fraunhofer IML at the beginning of September 2013.

Michael Henke began his career studying Brewing and Beverage Technology at the Technical University of Munich (Dipl.-Ing.). He gained his doctorate and habilitation in Business and Economics at the Technical University of Munich. During the last year of his habilitation Michael Henke was also working as senior consultant for the Supply Management Group SMG in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Since 2007 he was teaching and researching as professor at the EBS.

His research focuses lie among others on the area of e.g. management of the Industry 4.0, purchasing and supply management, supply chain risk management and financial supply chain management.


  • Dr. oec. habil. Technische Universität München (2003 — 2007)
  • Dr. oec. Technische Universität München (1998 — 2002)
  • Dipl.-Ing. Technische Universität München (1992 — 1998)

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