Matisse Bonzon

Adjunct Professor at Sciences Po


  • Sciences Po



Sciences Po

Designing and teaching a class on "Social Innovation, Participation, and Government: Aggiornamento or Revolution?" for Public & European Affairs Master's students.

The course analyzes how the emergence and spread of the use of Information and Communication Technologies(ICTs) have reshaped societies and with it the concepts of labor, production, community, and political subjects. It has boosted new modes of social interactions and production, overcoming historical barriers such as space and time. In the meantime, traditional political institutions - designed within an industrial society – in decay seek to adopt mechanisms from the ICTs in an effort to fight the lack of confidence and the so-called crisis of representation they face.


  • Study abroad NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service (2012 — 2012)
  • Bachelor's degree Sciences Po (2007 — 2010)
  • Universidade de São Paulo (2006 — 2007)


  • Adjunct Professor Sciences Po (2018)
  • Co-founder and Director Projet Latitude (2018)
  • Associate Senior Campaigner L'Accélérateur de la mobilisation (2017)
  • Executive Managing Director L'Accélérateur de la mobilisation (2020 — 2022)
  • Head of Expansion Nossas (2014 — 2016)
  • Campaigner and Organizer Meu Rio (2014 — 2014)
  • Strategy Consultant Development through Finance - Alliance pour le développment par la Finance (2012 — 2012)
  • Organizer & Fundraiser Social Businness REDE CATABAHIA - Recycling Cooperative (2011 — 2012)
  • Research Coordinator Assistent AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL - AECID (2009 — 2010)


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