Mary Dawood

Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London

Mary Dawood RN. BSc (Hons) MSc Medical Sociology, is a Nurse Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Imperial College Healthcare Trust London. She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Healthcare and is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a Lecturer/Practice Educator. Prior to her current position she worked as a Lecturer/Practitioner where she taught both pre- and post-registration nursing focusing particularly on the education and training of nurse practitioners.

As a Nurse Consultant Mary has pursued both an academic and clinical career and has a high profile in emergency nursing in the UK. Her current post as Nurse Consultant enables her to maintain frequent clinical contact with patients while also supporting and developing the skills of others in particular supervising Master’s students in her specialty. The role also involves research and the strategic development of nursing as a profession. In this capacity she has contributed at policy level to the development of Leadership in Emergency Nursing and was an active member of the steering group at the Department of Health UK that implemented and extended non- medical prescribing.

Mary is the Chair of the Emergency Nurse Consultant Association (ENCA) and is the nursing representative at the College Of Emergency Medicine Clinical Effectiveness Committee. She is interested in many aspects of emergency care and has published numerous papers on the subject of emergency nursing. She is a co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing and had written and edited the Emergency Practitioner Handbook (Radcliffe Publishing). She is also a member of the editorial board of the health journal Diversity in Health and Care and is the editor of the Practitioner Blog in this journal.On a more global level she is a member of the international editorial advisory board of the Australasian Journal of Emergency Nursing. She frequently reviews academic papers for International Emergency Nursing (Elsevier), Emergency Nurse (RCN Publishing) and Emergency Medicine Journal.(BMJ Publishing). More recently she has been appointed as an Associate Editor of Emergency Medicine Journal (BMJ Publishing Group). Mary is an established speaker and presents frequently at conferences both nationally and internationally.

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