Mark Tewdwr-Jones

Professor of Cities and Regions at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London


Mark is UCL Bartlett Professor of Cities and Regions at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. He was previously Professor of Town Planning at Newcastle University (2012-20), and Professor of Spatial Planning and Governance at UCL (2001-12).

Mark has been a Visiting Professor at Berkeley California, Hong Kong, UNSW Sydney, Western Sydney, Pretoria, Guadalajara, Nijmegen and Dublin. He is a recognised authority and has written extensively on place innovation, urban planning, urban and regional history, digital place connectivity, the politics and governance of the city, public engagement, and the use of land.

Mark chairs the Connected Places Catapult Research Panel & the Regional Studies Association.

He was a member of the RTPI General Assembly 2006-8, the UK Chief Scientist’s Land Use Futures Foresight project where he was seconded to the Government Office for Science 2008-11, is a former advisor to UK Government ministries DEFRA and MHCLG, & served on the NICE NHS spatial planning & health programme in 2009-10. He advised the UK Chief Scientist's Future of Cities Foresight project 2013-16. He was international advisor to the Shanghai municipal government's Bund redevelopment in 2010-13. He was advisor to the Scottish Government/RTPI Scotland's National Planning Framework in 1999-2000, and chaired the Mid and West Wales Regional Planning Forum in 1998-2000. For his contribution to cities & planning, he was elected an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2011, awarded fellowship of the RTPI in 2013 & is the recipient of 4 awards for Newcastle City Futures.

Teaching summary

Mark has taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules for almost 30 years. His specialisms cover aspects of urban and regional planning, development and infrastructure, the politics and governance of places, planning history and the history of cities, and the cinematic and photographic depiction of places.


  • Birkbeck College Other higher degree, Master of Arts | 2003
  • Cardiff University Doctorate, Doctor of Philosophy | 1998
  • University of Wales, College of Cardiff Other Postgraduate qualification (including professional), Diploma | 1992
  • University of Wales, College of Cardiff First Degree, Bachelor of Science (Honours) | 1990


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