Maria Ester Venezia

Adjunct Professor at Fordham University


  • Fordham University



Fordham University

Ph.D in Archaeology (Museum of Archaeology and e Ethnology of the University of Sao Paulo) and member of the Society of Black Archaeologists. My main interests are in lithic industries analysis, paleoenvironment and pre-history.


  • Adjunct Professor Fordham University (2022)
  • Arqueologia Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia - USP (2011 — 2022)


  • Universidade de São Paulo - Ph.D, Archaeology 2015 - 2020 Universidadle de São Paulo - Arqueologia - Mestrado, Arqueologia Brasileira 2011 - 2015
  • Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Oceanógrafa, Oceanografia Geológica 2002 - 2007

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