John Austin
Keynote Speaker | Author | Professor at Smeal College of Business
Smeal College of Business
John is a thought leader in the areas of team leadership, knowledge transfer in teams, and implementation of organizational change. His research on knowledgebased decision making teams is widely cited in the academic literature as is his work on the strategic actions of internal change agents. Prior to joining DSI, John helped launch two companies based on his research: Aptient Research and Training and YourWebView, LLC. He has been on the faculty at the Smeal College of Business at Penn State University and at the University of Washington, and has taught executives at Wharton and Duke Corporate Education. He is an awardwinning teacher with experience teaching undergraduates, MBA students, and practicing managers. John has conducted training on change management, team performance, decision making, leadership, creativity, and strategic planning. His experience with individuals at all levels of organizations enables him to translate broad strategies and concepts into actionable, engaging programs. Dr. Austin recently assisted in the design of and taught in, an innovative online Masters in Human Resources program for Penn State University.
John's research has been published in leading management and applied psychology journals, including Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science. In addition, he has presented his research at the annual conferences of the Academy of Management, American Psychological Association, INFORMS, and International Association of Business and Society. John’s work has been recognized with three Best Paper awards from the Academy of Management. His work has been mentioned in several media outlets, including CNN, The Wall Street Journal and Barron's.
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